Sunshine Blogger Award Nomination!!

I was nominated for the Sunshine Blogger Award!!! Yippee!!!  A fellow blogger nominated me and I feel very honored! Blogger Awards are something new to me (though this is the second time I’ve been nominated for one) … so this time around, I’ll give it a go! The questions look fun and I’m looking forward to passing along nominations to some great bloggers that I follow, admire, and deserve recognition!Sunshine Blogger Award Nominee.png

First and foremost, let me say a big THANKS to Jenny over at Traveling Party of Four. It means a lot to me that you thought of me. I’m fairly new to blogging and I really appreciate your support through this venture! Jenny is married and has two children and they like to travel! She has a fabulous blog about all their travels, travel tips, and more! She received not one but two nominations for the award. I highly recommend checking out her blog and her Facebook page too!

There are several rules that go along with the Sunshine Blogger Award.

  • Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link back to their website. (Thanks Jenny!)
  • List the Sunshine Blogger Award Rules and display the logo on your website.
  • Answer the 11 questions asked by who nominated you for the award.
  • Nominate 11 other bloggers and ask them 11 new questions.
  • Notify the nominees of their nomination.

Here are the answers to these 11 fun and thought-provoking questions from Jenny:

  1. In terms of life as a blogger, what is the #1 thing that motivates you? Hmm, that is a tough one because there are several things that motivate me. I guess first, would be that I like to be helpful and provide information to others. I do have to add though, I’m also motivated because I like to write. I don’t work out of the home and I haven’t for a long time (full time) so I guess blogging is a creative outlet for me.
  2. Where is your home town? And what is the coolest thing to do in your home town? Well, if you are speaking of home town, as in where I currently live, that would be St. Augustine, Florida. And I must say, it’s an awesome town, a fabulous place to live, and many people visit from all over the world. It’s a great vacation destination! It’s hard to name just one cool thing to do … I just finished a blog called “100 Things to do in St. Augustine” … but I guess I would say visiting our beautiful beaches is a MUST and probably the downtown area and all the historical sites such as the Castillo de San Marcos.
  3. If you could travel anywhere in the world for two weeks, no strings attached, where would it be and who would you take with you? Tough question because there are so many places I’d like to visit … I’d have to say a family trip to the Bahamas or maybe even a trip to Ireland (that’s a bit of a dream trip).
  4. And could you spend those two weeks without WiFi? I think I could. As long as we have our cameras to take photos and video, we are good. It would be tough for my husband and teen boys though.
  5. Favorite Thanksgiving dish? ( I always need ideas!) I’m not big on cooking the whole big Thanksgiving meal (my sister is better at that, lol). When my husband and I host a meal, say for Christmas, we like to do it Memphis-Style … he smokes some shoulders (for pulled pork sandwiches) and makes some baby-back ribs as well … gotta have slaw, beans, mac n cheese, and deviled eggs to go with it!
  6. Let’s talk about famous people, past or present, who would you love to invite to dinner? I would have to say, Jesus. I mean, he is with us always, but if I could invite the actual physical Jesus, and he could sit at our table with us and break bread, wow, just wow … I am not even sure I’d know what to say.
  7. What is your favorite blogging resource or course? I have only been blogging for a year now and I’m still learning a lot. I would have to say the best resources for me thus far have been other bloggers and the wealth of great info they share on their blogs! The blogging FB groups have also been wonderful!
  8. Do you think that there will ever be an official Degree in Blogging?  And would you go for it?  (I would!) Never know, they are always coming up with new Degrees. However, these days, it seems like anyone can be a blogger. However, not everyone is cut out to be one. There are all types of bloggers, so not sure how it would work, but it’s definitely an interesting thought.
  9. What blogger has helped you the most, whether it be with resources, constructive criticism, traffic or just old fashioned advice? I’m not sure there is one specific blogger that has helped me the most. But I have a fellow blogger friend, Teri, who has been very supportive and we bounce ideas off each other.
  10. Palm trees, snow or city? I think you know the answer to that one for me, considering I live in Florida and my blog is called My Enchanting Florida Life🙂
  11. Coffee or tea? Definitely coffee … gotta have it! But I do like an occasional cup of tea!

Great questions Jenny! Thanks again for the nomination and support! I am so thankful to have the support of so many bloggers, family, friends, and blog followers. I do what I do for you:) Drum roll please ….. here are my nominations.

I nominate you for the Sunshine Blogger Award:

  1. Teri at Ordinary Wanderer
  2. Rachael at Happy Heart, Happy Home
  3. Lauren at Florida Lives
  4. Alyson at Simply Heartfelt
  5. Katie at The Flower Donkey Diaries
  6. Melissa at Blogging the Sweet Life
  7. Karen at Our Carpe Diem
  8. Erin at The DIY Nuts
  9. Cecilia at Family Palate
  10. Cinthia at Traveling Our World with CK
  11. Katherine at The Weekend Fox


Here are my questions for you:

  1. What motivated you to start blogging? Does it still inspire you?
  2. Where were you born? Do you still live in the same town?
  3. What is one place you must travel to in your lifetime? Why?
  4. What is your favorite thing to do with your family?
  5. Do you work (besides blogging)? If not, what was the last job you had?
  6. What is your all-time favorite TV show?
  7. Do you like to cook? What is your favorite dish to make?
  8. What is one dream you had as a child that you have pursued or plan to pursue?
  9. What is your favorite quote or scripture? Why?
  10. What advice do you have for new bloggers?
  11. What do you think is your BEST blog post you’ve ever written? And why?

Thanks for what you do! You all are fabulous! You all are #1 in my book! Keep on bloggin’ and sharing the sunshine with others! ~Kristina~

12 thoughts on “Sunshine Blogger Award Nomination!!

  1. Great to hear of your nomination and hope you win. Enjoying your blog. I have one tip for you, as far as your #3 answer, trip to Ireland. For years & years I wanted to visit England. My father was born there and Grampy brought whole family to U.S. in late 20’s, by ship with nothing but what they could pack in a suitcase..Well, this past September my dream came true when my wife and I flew to England, spent 2 weeks there with friends we met at The Carriage Way B & B in St. Augustine, who lived in England, 10 years ago. They showed us the real England and a bit of London. Best of all I got to visit the home my father was born in, in 1913. So, in a nutshell, don’t put off your dream trip to Ireland. Rob Hamilton

    Sent from my iPad


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